Surah waqiah equran
Surah waqiah equran

surah waqiah equran

If you will, read the dzillim mamduud- “(H.R. “ In heaven there is a tree, (if) a man who rides on his way under a hundred years, he remains under his shade and never succeeds in conquering it. Then Imam Bukhori also narrated from Abu Hurairah conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad, he said: Among them are “ wa dzillim mamduud.” (30) “ which means and sh elter that stretched wide.

surah waqiah equran

It is clear that there are several verses in surah al-Waqiah which explain plainly about the qualities of heaven’s beauty as in verses 27 through 40. “ I really hope you become a quarter of the inhabitants of heaven.“Ĩ. The theologian argue that what is meant is the word of Allah in surah al Waqi’ah “ tsullatum minal awwaliin, (13) wa qoliilun minal aalkhiriin (14)”. In the commentary of Tafsir Ibn Kathir explained that Allah speaks while informing of the people who first entered Paradise and brought to Him, that they are a large group of the former people, and a small part of the last living people.

surah waqiah equran

Know the nature of the inhabitants of heaven You may also read : Types of Sunnah Prayerħ. ” (This hadith is self-directed by Turmudzi and this hadith is ghorib hadith) (read: Importance of Faith in Islam)Ību Bakr Ash-Shiddiq rodliyallahu anhu said to the Prophet Muhammad SAW: “O Messenger of God, your hair colour turns into gray.” He said: “my hair is gray because of the Surah Hud, Al Waqi’ah, al Mursalat, an Naba ‘ and at takwir. Therefore, in order to keep our faith and be protected from paganism, we should read Al-Waqi’ah surah with an open heart so that we can remember death and improve ourselves before the death comes. Our death can not be known, nor we can know it will be end with khhusimul khotimah or vice versa. Read Also : Punishment for missing fajr prayer Al waqi’ah is a letter that also contains the circumstances of the afterlife, so it is very important if al waqi’ah is a reminder to us so that we are not negligent during our life in the world. This hadith is conveyed by Ubay bin Ka’ab. “Whosoever read al-Waqi’ah, then he will be recorded as not belonging to the negligent.”

Surah waqiah equran